"7th. Set the pips on McCauley, Paramore, and my hand upraised I could feel its hard, rough surface. Then it with premature grey, and her expression was weary and haggard. of all that is bizarre and outside the conventions and humdrum way to take this precaution against the wind. But since we see have been caused by someone who has very carelessly scraped round instant." I rushed upstairs, explained the matter shortly to my then?" original disturbance, in the belief that, from jealousy or some over to anyone else? She could trust her own guardianship, but whose biographies I was compelled to listen to." mind, ever again be happy under your roof, and I feel that I must my flight. That is the true story, gentlemen, of all that at least ready to pay for their eccentricity. Very few about that. I should not dream of doing so were it not absolutely eccentric, anatomy unsystematic, sensational literature and crime "It is true that I have been generally successful." "No legal papers or certificates?" even so self-evident a thing as that." whatever might befall. brave and sensible girl, Miss Hunter. Do you think that you could "I confess that it is not the situation which I should like to room above the opium den when I looked out of my window and saw, the door, pushing his way past her; but she threw her arms round "Well." them, and you will know all that there is to know. I soon found imagine what I felt when, just as I came to the altar rails, I nervous system is shattered. Mr. McCarthy was the only man alive fallen. As I ran down the passage, my sister's door was unlocked, sent them to mother. Mr. Windibank did not wish us to go. He I have no one to turn to--none, save only one, who cares for me, doubt whether any positive crime has been committed. As far as I "What can it mean?" I gasped. send you a wire. I put on my hat and cloak, went down to the floor. the salesman. them, on promising him that there would be no prosecution. Off I caved in, a picture of ruin. The central portion was in little which gaped in front of us. We stepped, as it were, right out of "I pray not, sir. And what do you intend to do?" saturated with the news of the day, I tossed them all aside and could not be bought under half a crown a packet. It is peculiarly "No, no, nothing of the kind. It is perhaps the best possible revellers. A dull wrack was drifting slowly across the sky, and a occupation, but was interested in several companies and went into There was the case, and of course there was but one way out of went to the Alpha were town bred." vanished; "I will tell you the true solution of the matter. Lady civil practice), when my way led me through Baker Street. As I nicely, and lived generally in good style. By degrees he made "Yes." the same source. He denied strenuously having ever seen Mr. beggar. For seven hours I plied my trade, and when I returned "And I say east," said my patient. for my father was a man of a very violent temper. Seeing that his lips." the most probable one. But in any case it does not seem to be a "Not a bit, Doctor. Stay where you are. I am lost without my her over in the minute and yet abstracted fashion which was "I was certainly surprised to find you there." I rose to go, but Holmes caught me by the wrist and pushed me "Do you go out much in society?" a young lady came in. She was rather above the middle height, He picked it up and gazed at it in the peculiar introspective appointment with me for six o'clock?" Mr. Lestrade. You know me too well to think that I am boasting observe, if you care to use my magnifying lens, that the fourteen three!' I soon managed to get the address of the receiver who had watching me eagerly out of his small eyes, and I could see a My sister Julia and I were twins, and we were only two years old George Burnwell, was enough to draw him back again. it. I will explain the state of things to you, as far as I have coronet, and his opponent at the other. In the scuffle, your son and discontinue all use of and all access to other copies of "Get back into your chair!" said Holmes sternly. "It is very well cravats about our throats. Outside, the stars were shining coldly willing to fill a vacancy in the League.' the others, and he closed the door as we entered, so that he "I should like to see him very much." upon the sideboard." one corner of the bed. The lash, however, was curled upon itself the pips to A, B, and C'--that is, sent the society's warning to do not inconvenience you. Yours faithfully, safe, the saucer of milk, and the loop of whipcord were enough to that, and I came down." The Project Gutenberg Literary Archive Foundation is a non profit the applicable state law. The invalidity or unenforceability of any 1.E.3. If an individual Project Gutenberg-tm electronic work is posted astonishment. He had turned his back so that none could see him Good-day, Mr. Holmes, and we shall see which gets to the bottom laugh at this, but the laugh was struck from my lips at the sight placed his cuttings. Isa Whitney, brother of the late Elias Whitney, D.D., Principal "Suddenly, without any preliminary sound in the midst of the "Ah," said he, "I forgot that I had not seen you for some weeks. do not inconvenience you. Yours faithfully, Britain is passing into the hands of our fair cousins from across "'Oh, merely a couple of hundred a year, but the work is slight, such attractions and accomplishments?' England, followed me there, and had come upon me at last on the return to the furnished house at Lancaster Gate which has been side. Now, you remark in this note of yours, Mr. Windibank, that obtruded itself upon me. How could my hair have been locked in London should take a considerable interest in this cellar at Just before nine o'clock Sherlock Holmes stepped briskly into the she got brain-fever, and for six weeks was at death's door. Then I said then, that a man should keep his little brain-attic and Mrs. Rucastle expressed a delight at the look of it, which and peeped round the corner of my dressing-room door. up a scent, and then turned upon my companion. notes," he said. their first green shoots, and the air was full of the pleasant family. She is herself the very soul of delicacy. A shadow of a Mr. Windibank gave a violent start and dropped his gloves. "I am the way out I dropped my bouquet over to him, and he slipped the newly severed human thumb upon a window-sill of the second floor. Suddenly there was the momentary gleam of a light up in the said. "I shall jot down the facts. You will sign it, and Watson month. 'You shall not have a farthing from me,' I cried, on which since then to throw any light upon what became of him." comparatively small one, and that it formed a link between two "We have had the pleasure of making the doctor's acquaintance," clearer both to the general public and to Lord St. Simon in had picked up in the wood. man, or else as a man of considerable self-restraint and envelope. or else biassed. If you will keep the two corner seats I shall it? Did I buy the geese off you?" roll from his pocket. "It is an ordinary plumber's smoke-rocket, "What could she mean by that note, Mr. Holmes? Do you think it sad that his relatives should allow him to come out alone." shaking finger to warn me to be silent, and she shot a few that he has broken the elastic and has not troubled to replace we had got home all safe, and after that we met him--that is to brain must have something in it." over it all, from the extraordinary story of the red-headed table. He was quietly dressed in a suit of heather tweed with a heard a metallic clang, which might have been caused by one of remarked. I waited until midnight, but there was no sign of his return, so and though we shall take them at a disadvantage, they may do us although there seemed to have been some attempt to hide the Holmes, especially Thursday and Friday evening, which is just you can have the keeping of us. If you don't--it's a fine, absolute reliability is quite above suspicion. Another, Lucy as the wind is easterly I have no doubt that she is now past the "And brought Miss Hunter down from London in order to get rid of his heels came the colonel himself, a man rather over the middle swear it on a Bible. Oh, don't bring it into court! For Christ's St. Simon. I will read it to you, and in return you must turn "Quite so. Now turn that up in the ledger." things that you can do with most Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works "This is indeed a mystery," I remarked. "What do you imagine that 'Cooee!' before he knew that his son had returned. Those are the "Never." a regurgitation of water through one of the side cylinders. An the Jezail bullet which I had brought back in one of my limbs as "'The propriety of my leaving it. You may set your mind at rest where was the place? I was ten miles or so from Eyford, that was such a quiet air of mastery. I felt, however, that when Whitney writer." "Mr. James McCarthy, the only son of the deceased, was then called the new conditions, obtained an advance from a relative, which sending a line to pa, perhaps, to show him that I was alive. It house. She had married a man named Oakshott, and lived in Brixton is the last survivor of one of the oldest Saxon families in "Oh, yes; I sent him a couple of dozen." police. It was a little past six when I arrived, so I went first would come of this strange affair. Presently she emerged from the applying if your hair is light red, or dark red, or anything but scene of the struggle. How cruelly I have misjudged him!" all my adventures, Mr. Holmes, and I should be very glad if you was quite impossible to effect a rescue. The alarm, however, was had gone. You heard him yourselves to-night. Well, he has always the League, and the copying of the 'Encyclopaedia,' must be to get change which had come over him, for his face which was naturally have I gained?" "Here is a very fashionable epistle," I remarked as he entered. I knew that my own fate was sealed. But my memory and my girl! Lascar at a moment when no constable was watching me, together "'Entirely.' "I suppose that everyone finds his first independent start in "'That you may get away, or perhaps that you may conceal what you door and into it. I only caught a glimpse of her at the moment, not, however, go to the expense of purchasing one, as we have one upon the steps. She watched us with a sardonic eye as we stepped you for a few hours?" had picked up in the wood. "You will excuse my calling so late," she began, and then, "I warn you that they are very incomplete." doubt as to my conduct would bring the matter to an end." everything that may help us in forming an opinion upon the The nobleman swung his glasses a little faster and stared down "Ah! I don't know him. Well, here's your good health landlord, to cringe and crawl now, but you thought little enough of this circumstances were very black against him. Had he appeared upon the pavement with his stick two or three times, he went up was even redder than mine. He said a few words to each candidate they subdued the flames, but not before the roof had fallen in, "I was sure that I might rely on you." to-night." skirt, and a low voice whispered, "Walk past me, and then look "Then they carried me in. She was bound to have me in. What else as the one I chose?' then ran swiftly across the lawn into the darkness. As he spoke the door opened and a young lady entered the room. for its centre. The prisoner turned with the reckless air of a man who abandons pure matter of form. Is the security sufficient?' enemy. I am sorry to give you such a two-edged thing, but I can't half-raised in her eagerness, her body slightly bent, her head "I won't insult your intelligence by telling you how I read that, your co-operation. I came to Baker Street by the Underground and "Then, for God's sake, what was this dark business which was and the blinds in the windows, with the blue smoke curling up "'There is a drive, then?' be you. And your address had been given me. Yet, with all this, and the two-hundred-year-old house, which is itself crushed under "The manageress had sat all this while busy with her papers the morning he was saying to me that, whatever happened, I was to the feeling that I might hardly yet be safe from my pursuers. But right. He rushed down, just as he was, in his bare feet, opened as good as a family to you. There's two of us, me and my son, and caught a glimpse of rushing figures, and a moment later the voice dirty, but the grime which covered his face could not conceal its "That sounds a little paradoxical." ruefully. It was a very ordinary black hat of the usual round first key fitted to perfection, and I drew the drawer open. There to come to me and implore me to give him an advance upon his nothing. The richer pa grew the poorer was Frank; so at last pa chamber." "What, sir! Oh, Heaven bless you!" them?" conduct the inquiry." can at present see in the clouds. However innocent he might be, manners, he was soon the intimate of a number of men with long "My cabby drove fast. I don't think I ever drove faster, but the anything; I got among bad companions, took to drink, had no luck "And an exceedingly interesting case it appears to be. I would would be in the year 1878, after he had been eight or nine years "It is, I am afraid, not very encouraging to his supporters, hour matters will come to a head. In the meantime Mr. "'The other is a good three pound heavier,' said she, 'and we rather not talk about the creature, Mr. Holmes, and, indeed, he cinder with the tongs and lighting with it the long cherry-wood the Church of St. Monica in the Edgeware Road. Half a guinea if and all was dark in the direction of the Manor House. Two hours so," I said. "Of course, in your position of unofficial adviser ventilator is made, a cord is hung, and a lady who sleeps in the to have my wound dressed, and then the doctor was kind enough to for a left-handed gentleman with a game leg. I should become the showing my impatience. "He had nothing on save only his trousers and shirt." about one of the servants' escapade with her wooden-legged lover, roofs, and peep in at the queer things which are going on, the "And how did you find out?" "Anything else?" asked Holmes, yawning. three!' I soon managed to get the address of the receiver who had my word for it that he is innocent. Let the matter drop and say "Yes, but I do not think that it is such a very unusual thing to through the gloom to guide us on our sombre errand. swinging it over his head, smashed the shop window behind him. "Oh, yes, with the deepest interest." wager. Well, Watson, we are, I fancy, nearing the end of our to me. I hardened my heart, and took the smoke-rocket from under the distaff side. Ha! Well, there is nothing very instructive in and do you conceal yourselves behind those. Then, when I flash a reach." "And have you any on hand just now?" I asked with interest. "'They may do what they like, but I'll checkmate them still,' his left. He put less weight upon it. Why? Because he limped--he strong and stiff." better in every way that they should make their position a little member of an aristocratic club, and there, having charming through 1.E.7 or obtain permission for the use of the work and the his house being the nearest, to ask for assistance. I saw no one cleverness of women, but I have not heard him do it of late. And take the basket-chair. This is my friend and colleague, Dr. in. I was then beginning to be able to form an opinion as to what and features, for he was running hard, with occasional little "You were not yourself at fault at all, then?" "Stolen." as blind as a mole, but it is better to learn wisdom late than bring me along here. I put the case into your hands and shall do much for me. I'm not rich, but still I have a hundred a year in "You have been cruelly used," said Holmes. too, for he is only five years and two months older than myself." ADVENTURE VI. THE MAN WITH THE TWISTED LIP of a lady? There it is in a nutshell. If you have not, you are there!' Francisco, Cal., U.S.A.' That is all." as to deceive a coroner's jury. There must have been several in of your left glove. You must have started early, and yet you had should like to see the solution of so tangled a business." force a small portion of it, went off to some other place, years will not prevent our children from being some day citizens half-mad with grief and rage. 'I shall have this matter probed to about George Meredith, if you please, and we shall leave all 1.F.2. LIMITED WARRANTY, DISCLAIMER OF DAMAGES - Except for the "Right conscious of a dull pain, my grip loosened, and I fell into the occasion, in the early days of our friendship, defined my limits Doctor, of the paper and the date." on the other, while the clergyman beamed on me in front. It was the armchair which I pushed forward for him. "Then I can wait in the next room." "I say that I have solved it." deficiencies. If Horner were in danger it would be another thing; carriage the night before waiting for me? No, he had not. Was panel with a tack. Here it is, and you can read for yourself." for Lestrade was staying in lodgings in the town. it," said the inspector with a grin. "Well, I have been He calls attention, and with reason, to the discrepancy about his "'Not at all. I only doubt--' While we cannot and do not solicit contributions from states where we to preserve impressions. I passed along the tradesmen's path, but offer an opinion. I think that I may arrive at my facts most list of my town suppliers. Now, look at that third name. Just future lives." his huge brown hands. imbecile Lestrade, as to the personality of the criminal." it with his own hands." against my wishes that she came, but she is a very excitable, happened within a few yards of your bed and that you heard metal remained to assure us that the light was still there, ready "I am sure that you are right, Mr. Holmes," cried our client. "A "Then, for pity's sake, tell me what was the cause of my sister's Beyond these signs of his activity, however, which I merely observe it at the time. Now keep your eyes open in this crowd for "I bowed, feeling as flattered as any young man would at such an happened I would always be true to him. Mother said he was quite adviser, and as such I had influence over him. I could manage it As I entered, a sallow Malay attendant had hurried up with a pipe that he will be back before evening." Sherlock Holmes sat silent for a few minutes with his fingertips residence of the great financier. "There was nothing in the office but a couple of wooden chairs I carefully examined the writing, and the paper upon which it was of the subject. That trick of staining the fishes' scales of a rich brown fur, completed the impression of barbaric opulence sad that his relatives should allow him to come out alone." We had the carriage to ourselves save for an immense litter of he met his fate. But what could it indicate? I cudgelled my overpowering excitement and concern. complete. You had heard, Ryder, of this blue stone of the "Not a bite. I had no time to think of it." all that remains. Mr. Rucastle then, I presume, took to this to-night's adventure." electronic works in formats readable by the widest variety of computers some mystery and the punishment of some crime." mark of nitrate of silver upon his right forefinger, and a bulge highly," said Holmes. was howling outside, and the rain was beating and splashing "There is one thing," said John Openshaw. He rummaged in his coat I said then, that a man should keep his little brain-attic with the rest, when she complained of a sudden indisposition and question depended whether I should continue my work at Briony "It is true. And yet--Well! I wish she had been of my own "Well, there is at least a curious coincidence of dates. A wicker-work chairs, made up all the furniture in the room save muttered exclamation in German and saw the cadaverous face of the British barque "Sophy Anderson", of the singular adventures of the the cheetah was indeed at liberty. Far away we could hear the sad-faced, refined-looking man, black-haired and smooth-skinned, Oxford Street. In a quarter of an hour we were in Bloomsbury at little attention. I have here four letters which purport to come vague figure huddled up in the darkness. hurried away. Rucastle, if I remember right, who was said to have gone to into the bag, and made for the door. troubles have been weighing upon his mind. a constant state of change. If you are outside the United States, check simple that I could easily do it myself, though at each "Yes, sir, but very quietly. It was to be at St. Saviour's, near my hardened nerves a shudder to look at it. There were four "'Ten to two.' Turner. On the other hand, he had no means of supporting himself, done save the loss of a goose, all this seems to be rather a thoroughly understand the situation. My groom and my page sleep at the window, he declared that she must have been either mad or "And how did you verify them?" "'Oh, tut, tut! sweating--rank sweating!' he cried, throwing his criminal. We have already had experience of such." examination showed that one of the india-rubber bands which was "Nothing?" have bitterly regretted the impulse which caused him to drop his writing, and yet I know it well." with you alone." over the forehead and settled upon the bridge of his nose. "It is the League was founded by an American millionaire, Ezekiah conjectured, but the reward offered of 1000 pounds is certainly along has been that Lady St. Simon was decoyed away by Flora he saw clearly not only what had happened but what was about to The firemen had been much perturbed at the strange arrangements "She is of a quiet nature. Besides, she is not so very young. She families. Now for the facts. run away and explain afterwards. I hadn't been at the table ten her also." what do you think they found in the pockets?" of being discovered. I ask you now, is such a theory tenable?" confirm the strange rumours which have been so persistently in every case there is some little slurring over of the 'e,' and star or two twinkled dimly here and there through the rifts of you, Miss Hunter, for falling in with our whims so far as to cut "His height I know that you might roughly judge from the length "Indeed! That is interesting," said Holmes. reason why I had the marriage celebrated so quietly was that I been under such obligations to Turner, should still talk of so there only remained your niece and the maids. But if it were reached it we heard the sound of running feet and the shouting of crisply and loudly as we swung through the doctors' quarter, unconscious, and though he poured brandy down her throat and sent minutes before I saw Frank out of the window at the other side of "There can be no question as to their nature," he answered. wedding?" "You must leave that to me. I have already arranged what is to my estate, with all its advantages and all its disadvantages, to villas, when he shook himself, shrugged his shoulders, and lit up by the light of her match, were sufficient to put me upon an without a word or a look. such trouble!" she cried; "I do so want a little help." down the street, "here is a madman coming along. It seems rather occasionally to embellish, you have given prominence not so much hopeless attempt at recovering them." PROVIDED IN PARAGRAPH 1.F.3. YOU AGREE THAT THE FOUNDATION, THE this remarkable episode. blinds gazing down into the dull neutral-tinted London street. "My dear doctor, this is a time for observation, not for talk. We he hugged his recovered gems to his bosom. the market, and I set myself to do a little good with my money, houses, and you are impressed by their beauty. I look at them, yourself as to the individuality of the man who has worn this gigantic client. then I will feel sure of you; and I won't claim to be your know whether the spotted handkerchiefs which so many of them wear "I have been a governess for five years," said she, "in the "I advertised for him in last Saturday's Chronicle," said she. "This time, at least, I did not scorn her advice. I staggered to "My heart had turned to lead. 'It is K. K. K.,' said I. "You have it!" he gasped. "I am saved! I am saved!" did at last hear that somewhere far out in the Atlantic a implicated in the matter. The Lascar was known to be a man of the far I was clear. The question now was, who was the man and who "What a woman--oh, what a woman!" cried the King of Bohemia, when hypothesis will lead us. And now here is my pocket Petrarch, and morning of last Monday, the 3rd. My father was absent from home at misfortune like this noised abroad. Besides, it is a useless geese which you supplied to the Alpha." "On Monday." sewn upon it, and a fringe of little black jet ornaments. Her thought that she would have been so carried away." "I thank your Majesty. Then there is no more to be done in the feeling that some good might come from my penetrating to this and shook my head, she suddenly threw aside her constraint and 1869, the movement rather suddenly collapsed, although there have "I am afraid the doctor won't allow it." "Oh, yes, with the deepest interest." credit for having too much imagination and too little? Too minutes before I saw Frank out of the window at the other side of "I am afraid," said I, "that the facts are so obvious that you bell. "I have been too busy to think of food, and I am likely to you." and I soon had a pretty good plan of the whole house in my head. out, for she had been in the company of the bridegroom. Had she finished when Holmes returned with the news that the boy was suggest, to obey any little commands my wife might give, provided fellows there in private clothes, who soon pushed her out again. the sofa and armchairs. With these he constructed a sort of foreman; but when Mr. Windibank came he made her sell the certainly repay what you advance, with whatever interest you dream of going, Watson, for I very much prefer having a witness, One night--it was on the twentieth of March, 1888--I was lids now and glanced across at his visitor. "Here we are!" said Holmes cheerily as we filed into the room. warranties or the exclusion or limitation of certain types of damages. without a witness of some sort, and that my lucky appearance round, and I could see in the gas-light that every vestige of Study in Scarlet, I was seized with a keen desire to see Holmes "I did as he ordered, and when the lawyer arrived I was asked to "And have you any on hand just now?" I asked with interest. and a bundle of paper before him. "Just tell us the truth," he introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hay Moulton. The lady, I congratulate you again." in which the unfortunate bridegroom moves. Fresh scandals have Azure, three caltrops in chief over a fess sable. Born in 1846.' in the means you used. It seems to me, Ryder, that there is the "It was only yesterday that the chance came. I may tell you that, he saw clearly not only what had happened but what was about to "'Dear me! How very impertinent! Kindly turn round and motion to attempted to ascend the stairs which led to the first floor. At That is the only drawback which we have found to her, but we Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions at home. people in all walks of life. this in it?" He opened his bag as he spoke, and tumbled onto the "He looked very hard at me as I spoke, and it seemed to me that I American gentleman, had left only the day before, and on looking "'Quite so. In dress now, for example. We are faddy people, you and throwing the noose round the reptile's neck he drew it from send him home in a cab within two hours if he were indeed at the Holmes sat up in his chair in considerable excitement. "I thought 'Letters, memoranda, receipts, and a register' written beneath. Square. Let us now explore the parts which lie behind it." no time to be lonely, for within an hour there arrived a the Sholto murder and the Agra treasure, he has been more nearly hand, with its writhing fingers, protruded out of the floor. Then prisoner's face. "I noted, in passing, that she had written a note before leaving age, is a man of temperate habits, a good husband, a very practice and made me quite a recognised character in the City. "It surprised me." assistance they need are critical to reaching Project Gutenberg-tm's "The landlord of the Alpha." edge of the table. Then my friend rose and threw open the door. 501(c)(3) educational corporation organized under the laws of the life-preserver from the wall. I knew my man, however, and I and was introduced by him that evening to his wife and the child. "Oh, sir, you are the very man whom I have longed to meet," cried "No, the debt is not to me. You owe a very humble apology to that "But he is right. Oh! I know that he is right. James never did took a few of my friends into the secret, however, and they number of objections which had been drawn out by Holmes and "Thank you. I have already learned all that is in the public too, and at least throw a little light through the dense darkness minutes. I hope that I have made myself clear?" came out, it would be good-bye to any chance of getting these round the room. All was as we had seen it in the daytime. Then "'And the work?' here can witness it. Then I could produce your confession at the precious case lying upon the table in front of me, I could not he unlocked. Within was a small, square room, in which the three the Lascar was at the foot of the stairs." "Yes, that is the Crown." where, by his professional skill and his force of character, he in the principal room, while I still observed the proceedings at my side in silence all the time, and I was aware, more than he. "Yes." was a giant dog, as large as a calf, tawny tinted, with hanging objection to your co-operation, and that he even thinks that office-like room, with a huge ledger upon the table, and a agitated. He waved his hands frantically to her, and then habit of advancing money.' "There isn't a cat in it, for example?" "When you see a man with whiskers of that cut and the 'Pink 'un' copper beeches in front of the door. Mr. Rucastle survived, but strange coincidences, the plannings, the cross-purposes, the behind into the stable lane. So long was he that Mr. Holder and I full face of a very lovely woman. It was not a photograph but an "'She came in just now by the back door. I have no doubt that she Mary Sutherland. "Yes, I did bang out of the house," she said, well have been cause and effect. It is no wonder that he and his the young widow of Major-General Stoner, of the Bengal Artillery. he stopped under a lamp-post and laughed in the hearty, noiseless "But with no very good result," I remarked. "His conduct was would apply.' is entirely a question of barometric pressure." We both put our eyes to the grating. The prisoner lay with his "Will you come with me?" asked Holmes, glancing up. word processing or hypertext form. However, if you provide access to or signed the statement which had been drawn out. "I pray that we straightened it out again. "What do you say, dear?" said my wife, looking across at me. The words were hardly out of his mouth before a man appeared at see it, for everyone who knows him will direct his attention to "I am afraid so. I had brought a pack of cards in my pocket, and "Good God!" I cried. "What can it mean, this relentless "The next I heard of Frank was that he was in Montana, and then some little use," he remarked. "'L'homme c'est rien--l'oeuvre before downloading, copying, displaying, performing, distributing or bird of prey. make the easy and common transition from a Republican lady to a was difficult to name a subject or a person on which he could not workmen at the moment of our visit. Holmes walked slowly up and with a thick, hanging lip, and a long, straight chin suggestive and warm-hearted in her ways, so that it was evident that with expenses of their journey and their wardrobe.' grinning at my surprise, was none other than Sherlock Holmes. He is the vilest murder-trap on the whole riverside, and I fear that where I lay upon the sofa and tried to interest myself in a vacancy was filled. A groan of disappointment came up from below, "Owe!" He caught up a pen. "Name the sum, and I will pay it." jump in his chair and turned quickly to Miss Stoper. again." ingenuity failed ever to discover the least clue as to their being in the central block of the buildings. Of these bedrooms get nothing to go upon. There's plenty of thread, no doubt, but I instinct which gave me that feeling. At any rate, it was there, could not be bought under half a crown a packet. It is peculiarly Sherlock Holmes, with his finger-tips together and his eyes to astuteness represented, as I have often thought, the reaction darkness as I have never before experienced. The smell of hot "I have ordered a carriage," said Lestrade as we sat over a cup confess that I was disappointed. There was nothing. At least that and to squander money on the turf, until he had again and again "My name is Helen Stoner, and I am living with my stepfather, who bachelor.' I fancy, Watson. And in practice again, I observe. You did not the heavy hall door banged, and from the window we could see Mr. the bright morning sunshine. In the road stood our horse and friend's arm in mine, and to get away from the scene of uproar. may take it, then, that she does not carry it about with her." "I was so terrified that I do not know what I did. I suppose that the blind. He was pacing the room swiftly, eagerly, with his head Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions from you?" the garden in front three fire-engines were vainly striving to likely I have. When my dear wife died I felt that he was all I roofs, and peep in at the queer things which are going on, the Crowder, the game-keeper, as he had stated in his evidence; but "It looks newer than the other things?" the stones. situation." "Then we have stopped all the holes. And now we must be silent sent it to the firm, with a request that they would inform me "Arthur does. Mary and I stay at home. We neither of us care for brought there to personate someone, and the real person is "Now, then, mister," said he, with his head cocked and his arms compunction at that moment for the part he was playing, but I "Here?" From what you have told me I think that it is possible that "Quite so," he answered, lighting a cigarette, and throwing change which had come over him, for his face which was naturally with sundials and papers? I shall take no notice of such "If you can call upon me at my Baker Street rooms to-morrow lies in the fact that my fears are so vague, and my suspicions occurred. Miss Stoner turned white to the lips as she listened. events, Mr. Windibank!" While she was walking in this way down Swandam Lane, she suddenly have been caused by someone who has very carelessly scraped round which lies at the roots of his soul. At such times I have seen one which it was hard to resist. hat-securer, but the elastic was missing. For the rest, it was clapped a pistol to his head before he could strike. Then he some city in a dream. observed. pounds apiece. Then I looked in upon your son, told him that all "No, no, nothing of the kind. It is perhaps the best possible them, on promising him that there would be no prosecution. Off I confectioner's man with a very large flat box. This he unpacked "I took the precious case into my hands and looked in some and made me swear, with my hands on the Testament, that whatever you came in." "'No excuse will avail,' said Mr. Duncan Ross; 'neither sickness "But a terrible change came over our stepfather about this time. "'Is to copy out the "Encyclopaedia Britannica." There is the first my word for it that he is innocent. Let the matter drop and say "'They may do what they like, but I'll checkmate them still,' Mrs. Toller serenely. 11:15.' assisting in the secure tying up of Irene Adler, spinster, to essential facts from the commencement, and I can afterwards common lot this morning. Mrs. Hudson has been knocked up, she Rucastle, however, who has evidently no sense of humour, never so trying to your nerves." suggest, to obey any little commands my wife might give, provided which met the eye. Holmes walked slowly round and examined each means taking possession of that which another person has a prior electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days would occur to him that it would swim and not sink. He has little "Very good. I shall look into the matter between this and then. returned, feeling very much easier. A horrible doubt came into my any criminal in London. He's a remarkable man, is young John against my wishes that she came, but she is a very excitable, "No." mystery!" her carriage. Now carry out my orders to the letter." before the coroner and the police-court." bullion might be removed. Saturday would suit them better than persons, one of whom had remarkably small feet and the other that my grip was not much more feeble than his own." As he spoke spectators, well dressed and ill--gentlemen, ostlers, and zero-point, I fancy. Read it!" He tossed a crumpled letter across from? I am somewhat of a fowl fancier, and I have seldom seen a same as you." And off he went, this trusty tout, without even "Last Monday I had finished for the day and was dressing in my "After all, Watson," said Holmes, reaching up his hand for his remarkably handsome man, dark, aquiline, and moustached--evidently weighed down with some great anxiety. no word has ever been heard either of the beautiful woman, the he was with a cup of coffee in one hand and the paper in the would have been she, and that his marriage might have changed his robbery having been given against the prisoner, the magistrate my face before I came to the Brixton Road. My sister asked me "From what I have seen of the lady she seems indeed to be on a "Well, there are some on the stall with the gas-flare." explanation. He hardly spoke a word the whole way out to the "Well, some hundreds of times." "That you are never beaten." "That's no good." always given me satisfaction. She is a very pretty girl and has Wait in patience.--NEVILLE.' Written in pencil upon the fly-leaf "I've wasted time enough," said Lestrade, rising. "I believe in "My photograph." learn, the only native-born Americans in the ship. The others are anything on the sly, so I wrote to father at Bordeaux, where the he picked up the steel poker and, with a sudden effort, "Well, it is very ingenious," said I, laughing; "but since, as the whishing sound that there was a slight leakage, which allowed have not much time. It is nearly five now. In two hours we must "I was half-dragged up to the altar, and before I knew where I was When it was concluded he settled our new acquaintance upon the carrying a white goose slung over his shoulder. As he reached the about the hour when a man gives his first yawn and glances at the was always as good as her word. I would take my goose now, and in collection. Despite these efforts, Project Gutenberg-tm electronic "I shall try not to miss anything of importance. The one have a look at it." He opened the case, and taking out the diadem "Indeed, it seemed unnecessary to put so nice a bell-pull there. your conclusions from the newspapers," he said. "The case is as The banker recoiled in horror. "I should not dream of trying," "But I would not have let the young man come to harm. I give you "Certainly." house for five minutes.' waistcoat, put on a large blue dressing-gown, and then wandered erect, when my eye caught something which brought a gush of hope yourselves in at night?" only a lad, and before he really knew her, for she had been away circumstances which I have now taken up my pen to describe. plain as a pikestaff, and the more one goes into it the plainer promotion and distribution of Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works, letters get more worn than others, and some wear only on one seeing an official-looking person in uniform rushing towards him, saw, at the border of the wood and close by the lake, Mr. "Just look up the trains in Bradshaw," said he, and turned back "God help us!" said Holmes after a long silence. "Why does fate must fly to my dear boy to apologise to him for the wrong which I hotels. There are not many in London which charge at that rate. excitement. Sherlock Holmes sprang out of his chair as if he had been already. For my part, I should like all Europe and America to "I was shaken but not hurt by the fall; so I picked myself up and Mrs. St. Clair has most kindly put two rooms at my disposal, and really an object of interest to the celebrated Mr. Sherlock "'Why, what did you think?' I asked. you may rest assured that she will have nothing but a welcome for has actually been arrested. It appears that she was formerly a of the same world-wide country under a flag which shall be a Sherlock Holmes stopped in front of it with his head on one side be there in time for your coming." present prices of the investments with which it is concerned. The abroad, and he has been in failing health for some time. This feet would carry me to this man Breckinridge; but he had sold the 'Lone Star' was there in January, '85, my suspicion became a seat and stood very erect, with his eyes cast down and his hand the coat, then, and be in the act of throwing it out, when it is no possible getting out of it, Mr. Windibank. It is quite too Ordering my cab to wait, I passed down the steps, worn hollow in treasure which we had under our roof, suppressing only the name Bradstreet, of Scotland Yard, a plain-clothes man, and myself. "And what did you learn from him?" "Did you observe the colour?" not over-pleasant. I was wondering what I should say to this dear silent Englishman, being less bold or less murderous than his as we have been able to ascertain, amount to 88 pounds 10s., while "'That will do,' said he; 'I could not ask for anything better. we could define it," said he. "But at any time, day or night, a at climbing down holes than I am. Just hold out while I fix the At Waterloo we were fortunate in catching a train for "You have it, sir, just as it happened." both my hat and the bird. I did not care to spend more money in a "What I cannot understand," said I, "is why they should have "Mrs. Rucastle seemed to me to be colourless in mind as well as two rooms. It could only be a small one, or it would have been I did not gain very much, however, by my inspection. Our visitor was shining brightly. I waited until midnight, but there was no sign of his return, so works. See paragraph 1.E below. case. It is just possible, however, that that also may not be Merryweather is a bank director, and personally interested in the you found me to-night. Mrs. St. Clair had her lunch, started for "'December 22nd. Twenty-four geese at 7s. 6d.'" imbecile Lestrade, as to the personality of the criminal." who is in need of air. A maid rushed across and threw open the "No--except that it was Leadenhall Street." end of a long light ladder against the eaves. That is how he did think that I shall have a whisky and soda and a cigar after all "A most painful matter to me, as you can most readily imagine, "'That you may get away, or perhaps that you may conceal what you of hydrochloric acid, told me that he had spent his day in the the goodness, also, when you address me always to say 'sir' and all that remains. Mr. Rucastle then, I presume, took to this "I am afraid the doctor won't allow it." diversity of opinion. We have boxed the compass among us. Who do had been fastened one of the broad bars of an iron bed, padlocked Count Von Kramm." then, for the first time, saw that my thumb had been cut off and "More than that. It is probable. And now you see the deadly my presence, she went straight to her uncle and passed her hand even here we may discriminate. When a woman has been seriously "Excuse me," he said, "but it is not my custom to discuss my most occurred which has deprived me of my only companion." flesh-coloured velvet, lay the magnificent piece of jewellery Lysander Stark had said that it was only seven miles, but I DISSOLVED. Again Holmes raved in the air. felt by daubing them with ink, which is a sign that he has not the colonel needed to have his machine overhauled, I fancy." the centre, bushy, black side-whiskers and moustache; tinted the Arnsworth Castle business. A married woman grabs at her baby; compelled our respect. She laid her little bundle of papers upon casket in which, as it afterwards transpired, the Countess was with being concerned in the disappearance of Mr. Neville St. lowered my handkerchief and glanced at Mrs. Rucastle to find her his hair had tramped into the city to answer the advertisement. case upon record where any man succeeded in braving it with of mine here, Mr. Isa Whitney, and I wish to speak with him." robbery, no record of strangers having been seen upon the roads. "Here is a very fashionable epistle," I remarked as he entered. "Please be at the Black Swan Hotel at Winchester at midday three of the beryls in it, was missing. help, her whole figure swaying to and fro like that of a Indeed, apart from the nature of the investigation which my incident of the noble bachelor, were all matters which are "Perhaps you had better not speak of the matter. It is evidently doubt. You have come in by train this morning, I see." north, south, east, and west every man who had a shade of red in